Adept Metatech
Anil Founders, established in the year 1985 has a successful history of catering to diverse industries. Their ability and adaptability to adhere to the ever-changing market trends have made a name to reckon with. With constant improvements and expanding product lines, Anil Founders now services to a wide range of industries.
The products are manufactured using quality materials and in the production process, strict quality-control tests are undertaken. Every step in the manufacturing process is overseen by qualified and competent personnel with rich experience. The alloys used are tested for their tensile strength, toughness, ductility and malleability to provide the client with the perfect product. Our diverse product range includes ferrous alloys which mainly consist of high alloyed white cast irons.
Anil Founders manufacture alloy cast products that can be utilized in mining and crushing industries, cement industries and chemical, power and fertiliser plants. We believe in the following principles
- Adaptability
- Accountability
- Quality control
- On-time delivery
- Affordability
- Robust business policy
- Transparent and fair trade practices.
Anil Founders has entered into a new era in their manufacturing history. With advanced production techniques and machinery, Anil Founders is re-emerging as Adept Metatech, a company with a solid foundation and a new vision. Armed with the power of the latest technology and a wider portfolio, Adept Metatech is on the path to raising Anil Founders to lofty heights.
Our valuable team
Meet Our Leadership
Mr Sunil Patel(Late)
Armed with a degree in civil engineering and the zest to accomplish led Mr Sunil Patel to start a cast iron foundry with a pit furnace. With a strong commitment to growth and diverse product range helped in gaining a huge brand value.
Mr Anil Patel
Mr Sunil Patel was ably supported by his brother Mr Anil Patel. With a degree in commerce and a grand vision to make Anil Founders a name to reckon with. Backed up by a solid and rich experience of 24 years, they are the foundation of Anil Founders.
Mr Dhaval Patel
With an interest in foundry line and a zeal to develop the family business, Mr Dhaval holds a bachelor’s degree in metallurgy and a Masters in business administration to steer the family business in a new direction and accelerate its growth to new heights.
Mr Harsh Patel
Mr Harsh Patel holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce with an enhanced course in E-commerce marketing, he is adding more power to the family business. Together they are trailblazing their way and adding more value to the business.